Mondsters Ink

Here it is! All you wanted to know about the Monds-ters, and a little about the two people who made them for your entertainment! Please forgive the typo's and uh-oh's. I'm sure you'll find yourself shaking your head more than's like the universal sign of "Angie's here". Well, I feel like I should put up some warning or disclaimer...but you're a big 'un. Enter at your own risk...oh yeah, and may God Bless you, your family and all that come into contact with your goofy self!

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Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

...missing you....

Friday, November 03, 2006


Well, we're not huge Halloween fans, but boys MUST be boys! Our church (the greatest church of all time) Bridgepoint, had a trunk or treat. God Bless the person who thought this up. You walk around for 30 minutes and get truck loads of candy. My kids are were so sugared up--we had to peel them off the ceilings!

Kylar was Jack Sparrow, Kevan was my Dad, um, I mean Woody and Kasen was some Ninja dude. Ky had a mustache and stuff too...but I don't know if we got pics of that.

Okay, so happy Halloweeny!


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