Mondsters Ink
Here it is! All you wanted to know about the Monds-ters, and a little about the two people who made them for your entertainment! Please forgive the typo's and uh-oh's. I'm sure you'll find yourself shaking your head more than's like the universal sign of "Angie's here". Well, I feel like I should put up some warning or disclaimer...but you're a big 'un. Enter at your own risk...oh yeah, and may God Bless you, your family and all that come into contact with your goofy self!
Friday, April 27, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Hope You Have One!
Sometimes in life, you find a special friend.
Someone who changes your life just by being part of it.
Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop.
Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world.
Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door
just waiting for you to open it.
This is forever friendship.
When you're down and the world seems dark and empty,
your forever friend lifts you up in spirit
and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full.
Your forever friend gets you through the hard times,
the sad times and the confused times.
If you turn and walk away, your forever friend follows.
If you lose your way, your forever friend guides you and cheers you on.
Your forever friend holds your hand
and tells you that everything is going to be okay.
And if you find such a friend, you feel happy and complete
because you need not worry.
You have a forever friend, and forever has no end.
This forever friend sounds an awful lot like a mama.
Someone who changes your life just by being part of it.
Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop.
Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world.
Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door
just waiting for you to open it.
This is forever friendship.
When you're down and the world seems dark and empty,
your forever friend lifts you up in spirit
and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full.
Your forever friend gets you through the hard times,
the sad times and the confused times.
If you turn and walk away, your forever friend follows.
If you lose your way, your forever friend guides you and cheers you on.
Your forever friend holds your hand
and tells you that everything is going to be okay.
And if you find such a friend, you feel happy and complete
because you need not worry.
You have a forever friend, and forever has no end.
This forever friend sounds an awful lot like a mama.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Ho Ho Holy Mackeral!

Well, Christmas time is appoaching. I can't believe they would squash two of the yummiest holidays so close to one another. Hellllloooooo! The diet is failing. So some family came out for Turkey Day. That was a blast. Got a new puppy, KayTee Ann (she's a Weim). What a handful that little girl is.
So it's about time for Santa Claus to come and rob us. I don't mind being his little helper, but it sure would be nice if he would chip in! The boys have made out their Christmas lists. Wanna know what they want? Here you go:
Kylar: Samuri Jack Sword, SpiderMan PS2 game, Pirates of Carribean PS2 Game, 4-wheeler, heelies, Pirates of Carribean 2 DVD, Basketball goal, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Dark Cloud 2 PS2 game, TV/DVD combo for their room, PS3--Sizes: Tops 6-7, Pants 7 slim or 6 reg, shoes 1
Kasen: Samuri Jack Video Game, Nintendo DS, Samuri Jack sword, heelies, 4-wheeler, racing games, any age appropriate video games, PS3--Sizes: Tops 5-6, Pants 6, shoes 13
Kevan: Anything with Nemo, Leapster for Toddlers, Superman, Spiderman, Batman (you get the idea) Toy Story (Toy Story and Nemo are his favorites right now)...any Disney cartoon DVD, TV/DVD combo for their room, learning toys for 3 yr olds Sizes: Tops 4T, Pants 5T, shoes 9-10.
Angel: Stationary, Size 10-11 jeans, dressy tops (L), soduko games, craft items (to use to play with boys--tempra paint, glitter, eyes, tongue depressers, etc)
Jer: Anything Yankee, baseball, 49ers, (he's so hard to buy for), hand held games...socks and boxer briefs are always a safe bet (L), bookshelf
Ang: Statonary, (my addictions--sharpies, post-its, dry erase boards & markers, bulletin boards) Yankee candles, xlg electric skillet, xlg crock pot, picture frame...all sizes,
KayTee Ann: (puppy)--chew toys, pink stuff(our only little girl), dog stuff
Okay, so there ya go. I have no idea what anyone else wants. Is it bad to give gift certificates? It's so much easier...but then again, what if the wise men showed up with some gift certificates...unless it was to the Inn, it would have seemed a little dorky.
If anyone needs a new cell phone this Christmas, just go to our website. Go to Fortune Wireless and you can get a phone from any subscriber(Sprint, Cingular, Verizon, etc) at the same cost you can get it from them, only you would be helping me out tremendously. Remember, we are in ministry now...and not for the money, I promise ya!
Well, that's all for now. I'm busy busy busy--like you're not, right? Have a great holiday season!
Love you all--at least I think I do. If I don't know you that well, we'll just pretend I love you!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Turkey Day

Turkey Day has arrived and I have two dead animals in my sink. A huge ham, and a Butterball. Thelma and Louise. Thelma is a honey glazed ham that had to have come from some ginormous pig, and Louise...well Louise is kinda the middle of the road for size. My oven will be chowing down on her in a few hours.
When asking my son Kylar how to make a turkey here is what he said (he's 7): You get a 7lb turkey and you put it in the oven at 6 degrees for 10 minutes. You put stuff on it, like gravy and pepper. Put it on the table so everyone can break a piece off.
Kasen (He's 5) says Thanksgiving means: Who you are Thankful for--which are: Kylar, Mommy, Angel, Daddy, Kevan, KayTee, and Aunt Vern, God and Jesus. I'm thankful for Kylar because he pummels me; for Mommy because I love her; for Angel because she makes cookies; for Daddy because he does awesome things like pulls his finger; for Kevan because I like playing with him; for KayTee because she's our dog and I love her; for Aunt Vern because she comes to see us a lot and she brings us presents and she takes us to McDonalds; for God because He loves us; for Jesus because He loves us and He died for my sins. I'm also thankful for toys because I like playing with them, and cartoons because we watch them a lot; chicken nuggets because that's what I like to eat. I'm thankful for school and church because it makes us smart. I am also Thankful for Nana Judy because she brings us costumes; Nana Mare because she be's nice and Papa Duane because he's nice and 31 feet tall. Papa Fred because he takes us camping and we roasted marshmallows. Uncle Wyatt because he sometimes includes me when he plays with Kylar. Nana Suze because she loves us and took us camping.
Kylar (He's 7) says Thanksgiving means: Giving Thanks for everyone on the whole world--I am thankful for Mommy, Kasen, KayTee, Angel, Kevan, and Daddy and Aunt Vern, Nana Judy, Wyatt, Nana Suze, Papa Fred, Nana Mare, Papa Duane, Jon Smith
I am thankful for Mommy because she loves me; for Kasen because he wrestles with me alot; for KayTee because I love her, she's my dog and she sits on my lap sometimes; for Angel because she helps me play video games, for Kevan because he wrestles with me; for Daddy cuz he loves me; for Aunt Vern because she loves me and she sometimes brings me toys; for Nana Judy cuz everytime she visits she brings us toys, and she loves us; for Wyatt because he wrestles with me and he sometimes brings some of his toys so that I can play with them; Nana Suze because sometimes she brings me clothes and she loves me; for Papa Fred because he took me camping and taught me to pee next to a tree; for Nana Mare because she gave us Rescue Hero's ; for Papa Duane cuz he lets us play video games at his house; for Jon Smith because he plays basketball with us outside and taught me how to win the video game Lego Star Wars. I'm also thankful for my girlfriend Kaitlin because she was my girlfriend since I was like 5 or 6 and she loves me and she calls me sometimes and I miss her.
Angel (18) says Thanksgiving means: Giving Thanks for all the things that you have. And those are: Jennifer because she's a great sister; Ang and Jer because they give me a place to live; Kevan because he makes me laugh; Kylar because he's so smart; Kasen because he plays computer games with me and goes to the store with me; and KayTee because I've always wanted a dog; my mom because she is a good cook; my dad because he taught me a lot about sports and computers; God because He can pull me thru when the going get's tough and He's always with me; that I have a good college to go to; that I have the opportunity to work at Goshen Valley Boys Ranch; for Jeremy cuz he's organized like me, and he's an easy person to talk to because we have personalities that are similar; for Ang because she's a good person to talk to cuz of her honesty and gave me the opportunity to come to Georgia, she taught me how to cook, and makes me feel normal.
Jeremy (33) says Thanksgiving means: "Pumpkin Pie!" I am thankful for family and friends and all those that are serving over seas during this holiday season.
For my dad, Duane because we can hang out and talk sports. He is the person I look up to and aspire to be like in terms of a father and husband. For my mom, Marilynn because she is a voice of reason to me (& Dad). They love me, my wife and boys and continue to provide an example of how staying married and committed to each other works!
I am thankful for my boys Kylar, Kasen and Kevan because they are so smart, full of wit and are a joy to watch grow up. They are tender hearted toward the Lord and look at the world through such innocent eyes. I also get to play with their toys! I am thankful for my wife Ang because she is witty and is my very best friend. I never know what to expect from one day to the next. Angel has been a great addition to our family because she has a servant heart and loves our boys like her little brothers. And I'm thankful for KayTee Ann because she is a new playmate for the boys. I am thankful to the Lord for all that He provides.
And then Ang-- what is the Ang thankful for: This year I think I've noticed the providence of the Lord more than ever before. The accidentals and incidentals that change the direction of your life that you don't even notice as being significant, yet they start a chain reaction that lead to such a life changing event---and God looks at His work and smiles. I am thankful that a phone call to ACU to check on a major led to a call to a volleball coach that brought me to ACU on full scholarship. From that call, I am thankful that Jeremy called my house 9 years ago and wanted to talk to a roommate and I told him to go fly a kite. From that call,I am thankful that a doctor told me I would not likely become pregnant and then followed Kylar, Kasen & Kevan followed. I am thankful that being so young and married required Jeremy to find a stable job in the US Air Force for 6 years. That while in the Air Force was sent to a temporary duty assignment in Atlanta where he called his old Youth Group leader Craig Bridges and stayed with him for a weekend at the Goshen Valley Boys Ranch. That upon telling his mom and dad, they moved from Alaska to work at Goshen Valley Boys Ranch as houseparents. That 6 months later we were considering a job at Goshen Valley Boys Ranch. Well, here we are! This Thanksgiving we are in Georgia, and my sister from Maine, my brother from Chicago and my parents from Missouri are all making a voyage to Georgia because of a phone call 10 years ago.
Providence. It's never an accident. It's God smiling because He knows that the accidents and incidents that happen today will trigger events 10 years from now. So whether this year you are happy or sad, remember that you never know how His providence is playing a role and how His smile will light up the next 10 years!
Monday, November 13, 2006
New Office Matey!

Oh Boy! I have a new office mate! JENNY! Our new office space has been girled out! Goshen Valley now has a Welcome Center, and that old house is now comfy and cozy. I went to Ross Dress for Less and had a budget of $150. Who knew Ross would dress rooms as well as peeps. I had a blast...and Jer pushed the cart. About an hour into it, Jer found the home furnishings and plopped down in a chair. Girls, this is actually a good tactic. I just kept dumping stuff into the cart--and hardly woke him up at all.
We just had an event at the Ranch--House Parent Appreciation. Each of these crazy folks raise 6 boys. I raise 3 and it's sometimes like a zoo on fire--but it does have it's rewards. These folks are their very own parental alliance--and to see that team work is amazing. They fit each other. And they fit their boys.
I recently went to a bike race with Bill and Shelly Terhune. Kevin was racing. You have got to hear about this was nutty.

So Jenny (yeah, my new matey) and I drive to Gainsville College in seperate cars. We get there just in time...I know this cuz the first thing out of Kev's mouth is, "Your Late!" I take one pic, the horn sounds and he's off. So we ask Shelly where Bill is. "Oh, he's on his way to the ER!!!"--One of the boys had an allergic bee sting. Though it wasn't a severe reaction, it's always better safe than sorry. Bike racing is crazy, I just have to say. First lap took like 30 minutes--WHAT??? And you want them to do it again??? Nightmare. I was just praying for their survival. So Kev finished his first ever bike race. Finishes...I would still be there, hugging a tree and kissing the ground.
Well, the fun has just began. Since Bill was gone, Jenny and I rescue the Terhune family. Now I know why God had us bring both vans. The bike and some folks went into Jenny's van, and the remaining folks jump in mine. We call Bill to meet us at Jenny's folks for some yummy spaghetti. Well, Bill's cell phone is dying...dying...dead. --Did I mention he had no charger?!!! We get him half the directions and wait by the side of the road, hoping he will pass. Bill the great buys a charger (smart) and reconnects with us. Finally we are on our way to Jenny's parents house. What a beautiful home with such wonderful hospitality. Speghetti and meat balls. Oh yeah! Yum! Jenny's mom has to leave early. Five minutes after she leaves she returns. She hit a brick mailbox with her 3 day old car. Bless her heart, she was so frazzled. Jenny kept chuckling--(see what I'm gonna have to live with). She was okay--jumped into a much larger vehicle and headed out again.

I just got my hair doo'd up. Went to Hollywood FX.
It wasn't too bad. I saw Tammy. She took a lot of time with me. I called her the Emaril of Hair Doo's. She's hilareous. Worked at the French Embassy, and in New York. She loves what she does. This is huge--you do NOT want some disgruntled hair nazi. And if your hair dresser's hair is crazy looking--run. If they look 12--run. If they look bored, too excited to have someone actually sit in their chair, or angry--run. You wouldn't go to a psycho, doogie howser, tired, wired or ticked off heart surgeon. Don't trust just anyone to put razor sharp tools in your hair.
Okay so, Thanksgiving is coming up and some of my favorite people are coming to see us. These include my dad and co from Missouri, my bro from Chicago, my sis from Maine. Talk about stoked! I'm excited to show them the Ranch and a bit of Georgia.
Well, that's all. Got to get some cartoon time in with Kevan.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Starting a Diet before Thanksgiving...

Talk about setting yourself up for utter failure. Why would any human start a diet before the greatest feast of all time. 6 words....Naked in front of a mirror! Yeah, I know...too much information, but let's get we wait to gain weight before we decide to take it off. I figure if I choose to diet before turkey day, then I will stay committed--you don't give up Thanksgiving Dinner just for anything...and when January rolls around and I want to eat a pound of bacon drenched in brown sugar, all wrapped around a little smokie I will remember that little sacrifice in November and stay the course of this wonder diet that will take me back to my high school weight.
I just want to know what diet will remove the stretch marks that I was blessed with. I look like I was attacked by a tiger. I guess I was...3 of them...and I wouldn't change it for anything. I'm not going to post what diet Jer and I are trying (yes, Jeremy too!) until we're sure it's a good one. I don't diet--never have tried any of those out there...have been tempted, but none of them let me eat. I like to eat. Is that some sort of crime?
And by the way, I hate to exercise. Yeah, I said it. The college athlete that hates to exercise. Let me tell you something about college athletes. There are those that are athletic, but aren't that good--that's because they like to exercise, but they don't have that fierce competitive instinct. Now me, I happened to be athletic BECAUSE I was a maniac when it came to losing. When my college volleyball and track career ended--when the competition was beat to a pulp, I walked away from the gym satisfied. Satisfied with my degree, and satisfied that I put a whoopin' on some folks.
My next endeavor was to find some hot guy and talk him in to marrying me. Who knew that would be so hard. I finally had to pray...yep, pray cuz my athletic body came with that competitive spirit that mostly just scared the dookie out of most fella's. You can't compete with a woman who drools just waiting for some competition. The Lord knew that the man I wasn't looking for was the one I needed. Someone who wouldn't compete, but would love me and cherish me, not fight me. Good luck finding a guy like that who isn't a wuss. Hence, the praying.

And let me clarify that whole praying statement. I did not pray that the Lord give me this wonderful guy that would be a hottie, and be my perfect compliment...that's what I hoped. I prayed that God would do a work in me so that His choice for me would recognize me when he saw me. HEAR THIS--without DIVINE INTERVENTION Jeremy would have ran for the hills when I came around. I think it's God's Hand on this marriage that keeps Jer out of the hills's either that or my cooking--which J-Mo loves. Whatever it is, I'm thankful that he's such a great "half".
Now we are going on this diet together so that our halfs don't go all lopsided. If this diet works at all, and I don't feel like I'm on the 5th ring of Hell trying to stay on it, I will pass it on. Don't worry, I'll be prayin' about this one too. All God's angel's will be busy pulling thoughts of chocolate cake, and biscuits and gravy, and bacon and eggs, and Big Mac's and.....(see what I mean) out of my head. You guys better just stay in your house and not leave. They will be busy for about 6 weeks. That's the amount of time I'm gonna give this booger. It don't work by then, it isn't working.
My last thought is this. For anything you need, the Bible says "by prayer and petition, bring your requests before God.." Well, I'll be praying and should too.