Ho Ho Holy Mackeral!

Well, Christmas time is appoaching. I can't believe they would squash two of the yummiest holidays so close to one another. Hellllloooooo! The diet is failing. So some family came out for Turkey Day. That was a blast. Got a new puppy, KayTee Ann (she's a Weim). What a handful that little girl is.
So it's about time for Santa Claus to come and rob us. I don't mind being his little helper, but it sure would be nice if he would chip in! The boys have made out their Christmas lists. Wanna know what they want? Here you go:
Kylar: Samuri Jack Sword, SpiderMan PS2 game, Pirates of Carribean PS2 Game, 4-wheeler, heelies, Pirates of Carribean 2 DVD, Basketball goal, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Dark Cloud 2 PS2 game, TV/DVD combo for their room, PS3--Sizes: Tops 6-7, Pants 7 slim or 6 reg, shoes 1
Kasen: Samuri Jack Video Game, Nintendo DS, Samuri Jack sword, heelies, 4-wheeler, racing games, any age appropriate video games, PS3--Sizes: Tops 5-6, Pants 6, shoes 13
Kevan: Anything with Nemo, Leapster for Toddlers, Superman, Spiderman, Batman (you get the idea) Toy Story (Toy Story and Nemo are his favorites right now)...any Disney cartoon DVD, TV/DVD combo for their room, learning toys for 3 yr olds Sizes: Tops 4T, Pants 5T, shoes 9-10.
Angel: Stationary, Size 10-11 jeans, dressy tops (L), soduko games, craft items (to use to play with boys--tempra paint, glitter, eyes, tongue depressers, etc)
Jer: Anything Yankee, baseball, 49ers, (he's so hard to buy for), hand held games...socks and boxer briefs are always a safe bet (L), bookshelf
Ang: Statonary, (my addictions--sharpies, post-its, dry erase boards & markers, bulletin boards) Yankee candles, xlg electric skillet, xlg crock pot, picture frame...all sizes,
KayTee Ann: (puppy)--chew toys, pink stuff(our only little girl), dog stuff
Okay, so there ya go. I have no idea what anyone else wants. Is it bad to give gift certificates? It's so much easier...but then again, what if the wise men showed up with some gift certificates...unless it was to the Inn, it would have seemed a little dorky.
If anyone needs a new cell phone this Christmas, just go to our website. Go to Fortune Wireless and you can get a phone from any subscriber(Sprint, Cingular, Verizon, etc) at the same cost you can get it from them, only you would be helping me out tremendously. Remember, we are in ministry now...and not for the money, I promise ya!
Well, that's all for now. I'm busy busy busy--like you're not, right? Have a great holiday season!
Love you all--at least I think I do. If I don't know you that well, we'll just pretend I love you!
Jennifer's xmas list: a horsey, digital camera, jeans 9-11, dressy tops (M), plane ticket, gas money, new cellphone (i know i know ur website), an A in U.S. History, gift certificate to any store for clothes, and to see my favorite people in the whole wide world over christmas break :-) lol just thought i would let you know..just in case!! no no jk. just wanted to say hi and thanks cuz i now i know what to get the boys for christmas cuz i was having a little bit of trouble. surprise surprise right?? so yeah. love all of you. jenn/dutch/larry
a visit from the Monds family. a kiss on the cheek from my boyfriend. and a serving lesson from coach. a spank on the butt from angel when im least expecting it. a breakfast from j-mo. a huge hug from Kasen. my name said by kevan. a wet one from the new puppy. that is all i want this christmas. i love yall
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